Lorraine, I took Tennessee for a ride today, mounted her as you showed me and she stood perfectly still. Upon walking out she she acted up a fair bit similar to the way she was when I got on her in your arena. Turned her in a few circles asked for a whoa and walked her out she was a bit hot and I figured just let her be and she settled into a nice walk pretty quick. We went around the property across the hwy up the mountain when I came down she constantly wanted to trot but after a few circles she got that down and walked good. Then rode along the Hyw across a bridge with traffic all doing great. She still needs lots of miles but I now what you already knew that she will be a fabulous companion and a great trail horse. No words can express how much I appreciate your work with her, thanks so much.
Letter in support of Ruby’s progress: Hello Lorraine, I know you would never allow a horse (or any animal for that matter), especially a rescue, be underfed or un-cared for! You always take good care of the horses on your property if they are yours or not!! It would be interesting to see before and after photos of Ruby. (Photos are posted). Also I am wondering if people have any idea how long it takes a horse to adapt to a new home and relax enough to stop internally fretting over “when the old treatment/place” will come again and therefore settle into their new home. It can take up to a year at best! It can also take up to a year to permanently change a horse’s feet to be healthy with no laminitic symptoms. People should take that into account as well as your impeccable equine care! Best of luck!
Re: In support of Ruby I have been a friend to Lorraine just over five years now. In that time I can say with absolute certainty, that no one loves and values and cares for their horses, and all the horses in her care, more than she does. Ruby is such a pleasure for her, nursing the poor thing back to good health, and riding and parading her around proudly. Lorraine has extensive equestrian background. Ruby has a beautiful temperament, despite her hardship. Thanks to Lorraine’s training, I can’t possibly imagine a better home for this horse. There is no better home for a horse than Tranquille Farms, with Lorraine. Sincerely,
Kathleen Stang
My name is Danielle Barnard, I have known Lorraine Pelletier now for three years. I brought my horse to her for training three years ago when I was having some trouble with him. We stayed with her for a month and she gave me the gift of having the horse I had always wanted him to be. In that time I saw how dedicated Lorraine is to all horses, building trust and respect with them by communicating with them in a way they understand and showing them nothing but kindness at all times. She always puts the horses before anything else. I now board my horse with Lorraine and continue to see the same qualities in her today. All of her horses have a great home and know nothing but kindness and respect. Any horse would be lucky to have her as an owner and leader. Sincerely,
Danielle Barnard
Lorraine, I want to offer my support to your endeavours. My association with you has been nothing but positive. My own horse, boarded with you, has a very good weight going into winter and you have cared for him admirably, while rehabbing me back into the saddle. I cannot speak more positively about your care and skill with horses. I would not hesitate to leave any of mine with you~as I have already demonstrated. Regards,
Kathryn Battrum
We have known Lorraine for the past 10 years and helped out with various Open Houses and horse events that she has put on over the years. We have always known Lorraine to have the best interests of the horse in mind. This includes nutrition and feeding, general grooming, proper exercise and health issues of the horse. Lorraine is very knowledgeable in these areas as she has been taking courses and training some of the best horsemen in the industry ever since we’ve known her. She takes her business very seriously and is well respected by all who know and have worked with her. Lorraine has spent a great deal of time in training the latest horse, Ruby. Horses are her business.
Bruce Hollett and Sandra Dickie
I am giving my support to the integrity and sincerity of Lorraine. I have seen her dedication to her equine charges; they are all treated with extreme care and love. Her property Tranquille Farms is clean, organized and the safety of all horses who pass through her gate are of her utmost concern. We know each other through my work and then as members of CDART (Canadian Disaster Animal Response Team). I cannot thing of anything that would change my admiration of Lorraine’s reputation both personally and in her work with her equine loves… Sincerely
Carole Levesque
I am writing this letter in support of Lorraine Pelletier. I met Lorraine a couple of years ago as she purchased a young filly from me. That filly was halter broke but had never been loaded. I was concerned with her loading as the first experience makes a lifetime of impression. Lorraine assured me she would take her time and explained her experience. I must say I have not ever in my 20 years of loading, breeding and hauling all over the world, seen the patience and yet gentle handling from anyone. I was impressed two hours later at her dedication to keep the horse safe, quiet and sound. It was such a success that I agreed to send a horse to her for work. This was a troubled horse in which we both understood but she insisted to try for me. She kept that mare two weeks and did what she could. I wasn’t charged a dime for her effort. The horse was agreeably damaged at one point. That didn’t stop her from delivering her back in the same shape she left. Well cared for. She was on time each appointment we had. Her integrity I wouldn’t question for a minute. We were not so called friends other than a business dealing. I would now like to call her a friend out of respect and admiration. So therefore I can honestly say without judgment, or any partial side taking that I trust Lorraine’s judgment and business. I think honest and worthy of anyone. I would highly recommend her to anyone and feel comfortable doing so. Sincerely
Tina BergLevesque
I have personally worked with Lorraine as well as three of her horses. I am a professional trainer and the care of my own horses as well as those owned by my customers is of the utmost importance to me. My impression of Lorraine and Tranquille Farms has been overwhelmingly positive. All three of the horses she brought to our ranch appeared in immaculate condition both physically and mentally. While she was there, I was able to observe her daily interactions with her horses, both in the areas of training and care. Her knowledgeable and positive approach to her horses made them a pleasure to work with. During her visit, she told me about Ruby and all of the hard work she had put into her rehabilitation, as well as the bond the two of them shared. She also mentioned with passion other horses she had worked with and rehabilitated. Given my experience with Lorraine, I personally wouldn’t hesitate to put one of my own in her care, as I know they would be well looked after and their every need would be met. Sincerely
Rachel Reed
When my horse spooked and ran over the top of me, my hip was fractured. When I was finally able to walk again my confidence around my horses was completely shattered. Thanks to Lorraine’s quiet methods and knowledge, I was able to regain my confidence and can ride again today. Thanks Lorraine- you did a great job helping me back to being able to do what really counts! Kindest regards,
Deborah Battrum
I am more than happy to provide a letter of support. I am doing this by just describing my own experience with Ruby (one of the many horses at TF) and what I have seen Lorraine doing with her. But first I would like to state that I was able to observe Lorraine’s training methods over a long time and have spent literally hundreds of days on her farm. She always treats all horses with respect and never hurts a horse. Her training methods are based on trust and she lets the horse to choose by itself to trust her as well. All her horses on her farm seem to be happy and enjoy the place. They are all calm and show no abnormal behaviours. I can trust all her horses and I feel confident to work with them, because I know they were started from the very beginning, which is establishing a relationship based on respect and trust. I have been there from the very beginning when Ruby came to Tranquille Farms. I have seen Lorraine working with Ruby many times and I observed that Ruby changed to be a calm and trustworthy horse. At first there were a few things, she was afraid of, but by learning to trust Lorraine and people in general, she became more and more confident and predictable. Eventually, I was also able to ride Ruby and experienced that she was listening well to me and looking for guidance, confidence and leadership from me. She needed a confident rider and enjoyed such a relationship. She was a very willing horse, very enjoyable to ride and work with. I had many riding lessons with Lorraine on Ruby and also went on trail rides on Ruby. Ruby did not just look better and better over time she was at Tranquille Farms, but also grew stronger inside by becoming a great partner. I groomed her a lot and always noticed that she had perfect feet and a healthy fur. Finally, Lorraine was ponying the yearlings on Ruby. Once the yearlings were ready for a rider, I was volunteering as a first rider on the yearlings. Even though the yearlings were nervous and bumped Ruby a lot, Ruby stayed calm and handled the situation like a bomb-proof horse. Ruby is a great horse, well trained and well treated by Lorraine and in a healthy and good condition. Best Regards,
Jonathan Laumer
Hi Lorraine, I was on your site and wanted to drop you a line to add to everyone else’s comments about you. You are an amazing woman and it’s just unbelievable what you did with Tahoe. He is the most calm, well mannered horse I have now. The kids can’t wait until I let them ride my horse now. To see the difference in him from the day I brought him to you, to even the next day. There was such a change from each daily lesson. You would have never thought he was the horse I first brought to you. Even today, we play with him and make him think and continue his training. I can’t wait until I bring Tahoe back so we can both get further training together, from you. Thanks for educating Tahoe and me. Can’t wait to come and see you again real soon.
Sam and Rob
The 5 day Join Up process was the light of my life for me and my horse, Lacey!
To My Coach: My school teacher asked me to write about a hero and this copy is for you. “Learning it right, from start to finish”. These words burn into my mind as I read across the business card grasped in my hand. Hero’s don’t have to be lifesavers; they can be just a horse riding coach. Horse riding coaches, like Lorraine for instance, have excellent qualities and make good role models, and therefore they need to have qualities such as courage, mentorship and determination. Courage is one of many amazing traits or qualities that everyday hero’s love to take possession of. In a riding arena filled with dirt and wood chips stood the most amazing thing…LORRAINE! This female has traveled across the Okanogan, in all different ways. She has built up enough courage to go over to un-known well somewhat-un-known people’s homes. Lorraine is also courageous because: if your horse is being a knot-head with you on him, she may ask, or simply make you get off of the horse. Once you are off, she will climb up into your saddle, without even getting to know your horse first, and make him listen. This quality, many heroes may need in their future of lifesaving, or just lending a hand out to people in need! Mentorship is another excellent quality that many heroes have. Lorraine also has this quality. She teaches me every Friday about horses and how to ride them. Lorraine also has great mentor ship skills because she pushes people to do something they fear, but it’s not a scared feeling in side of you, it’s a proud one. Without Lorraine’s mentorship, I would never have been able to lope bareback around an arena-with five other people and horses in side of it! But perhaps the most excellent trait and quality is determination. Without determination, how would heroes be capable of doing things??? This specific feminine wishes to get her point across her audience. For example, when she says that giving a horse little, or no slack is the worst thing you can do to them. Another way she shows her determination is that she helps people to build up enough courage and strength to get into the saddle of a horse. Without her determination, some people wouldn’t get to feel that amazing feel you get when you’re riding on an equine. As I finish reading across the business card grasped in my hand, I glare up at the aqua sky…I try to repeat every word that burned into my mind. Again, heroes don’t have to be lifesavers; they just have to be someone you think is important. But make sure they have amazing qualities such as courage, mentorship, and determination. They can be as young as me, or as old as your grandparent! Lorraine is my hero, she may not be yours, but go out and find one for yourself! A role model, that is!!!
Hi Lorraine, I just wanted to drop you a quick line to express once again just how much I enjoyed your visit on Saturday. When you left, I was on an absolute adrenaline high. I told my husband I would love to have the opportunity to immerse myself in your philosophy and training, in order that I could become one quarter of the horse woman you are. I have already passed your card along to one of my colleagues, whom will contact you shortly. Her mother and father have two or three horses that have become “expensive lawn ornaments” out of a fear of riding them. She’s indicated to me that she would love to have you come to their home, too, as a ‘gift’ to her parents. I will be working to drum up enough people for a clinic here. Thanks again Lorraine, your skills are beyond compare.